4 weeks ago @Edit 4 weeks ago
Character moms! Possible CW: child abuse, parental death, childhood crime
latest #22
4 weeks ago
Dick: Mary Grayson was absolutely lovely and Dick still loves her to this day. He only knew her for about 9 years, though, so his memories of her aren't the strongest. The main thing he remembers of her is a handful of Romani words that he still uses from time to time.
4 weeks ago
He also has her smile, according to Melinda's mom.
4 weeks ago
She died when he was very young and Bruce took him in. Bruce and Alfred were basically mother and father to him for a long time.
4 weeks ago
Sam: To call Mary (Campbell) Winchester "complicated" may be underselling things. Sam takes after her most in that he never wanted to be a Hunter and did his best to find a way out. She apparently loved her sons very much.
4 weeks ago
She also unwittingly sold her younger son's soul to save John's life. (Also, why do I have two characters whose parents are named John and Mary?) Like, if John had died, Dean and Sam wouldn't exist. But, also, SO much shit wouldn't have gone down. And, really, neither Heaven nor Hell would have allowed that to happen.
4 weeks ago
Still. She did sacrifice her life to try to protect Sam, and her spirit DID sacrifice itself to protect the family home when they were trapped there.
4 weeks ago
She wasn't a terrible woman. And it's implied that John was at least somewhat abusive. So she wasn't in a great position. But, really, the only real memory Sam has of Mary is her spirit in the house.
4 weeks ago
Remy: I mean. Depending on what timeline you believe in, Remy MIGHT be a clone of Mr. Sinister and Scott Summers. Don't ask how that works. It's Mr. Sinister.
4 weeks ago
But that's a possible future timeline, so I tend to discard at least part of it. But Olly and Rachel are adorable, so I keep them.
4 weeks ago
That said. Even in the normal timeline, Remy doesn't know who his biological mother is. Or his biological father. Jean-Luc destroyed that information years and years ago. So, if anybody does know who his parents are, it's probably Jean-Luc. And Remy isn't asking.
4 weeks ago
But! He did, eventually, have a female influence in his upbringing. Tante Mattie basically helped Jean-Luc raise him. She taught him how to cook and how to do pretty much anything that doesn't involve thieving. Hell, she probably taught him how to shave, too, because Jean-Luc and Henri both had beards.
4 weeks ago
If you want to hear about anybody in specific, let me know.
Pinky Hood
4 weeks ago
My X-Men knowledge mostly comes from the 90s cartoon, X-Men '97, other adaptations, and random wiki dives. So I had to do a double take seeing the name "Jean-Luc."
Pinky Hood
4 weeks ago
Also, jesus. Mr. Sinister really likes messing with other people's DNA, huh?
4 weeks ago
Fun fact. There's a timeline where Remy's name is given (possibly as an alias) as Remy Picard. He's also a known Trekkie.
4 weeks ago
And yes. Sinister loves that sort of thing.
4 weeks ago
But, also, I don't think his father had been named in the comics at the time of THAT episode in the cartoon.
Pinky Hood
4 weeks ago
Bahahaha. Surprise Trekkie Easter egg!
4 weeks ago
It's hilarious and I love it, the nerd.
4 weeks ago
Him being a known Trekkie is a regular canon thing, I should point out. But I can't see why it wouldn't be a thing in other timelines.
Pinky Hood
4 weeks ago
This is a very amusing thing to learn about Remy because I love him so much in the 90s series and in 97
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