4 weeks ago
Second Life: Sign In So what? Do you want your L$10 back? LOL.
latest #7
4 weeks ago
Honestly the best thing the MP could do is get rid of reviews completely.
Boel Venus says
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago ffs people
4 weeks ago
more to the point - MP reviews are pointless and for sure should be gone
4 weeks ago
Use of a llm to at least filter out obvious misuse of them would be great
Uncle Flofituli
4 weeks ago
yeahhh but when you make it white it looks blank and you lack texture skills :-))))))) people are getting ridicolous. flagged it for off topic.
Maddy Perennity
4 weeks ago
Well, it would be nice if LL could handle bad-faith reviews. Some reviews can be helpful to other shoppers, but I have to charge 1L for my demos to keep the review trolls at bay.
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