2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
十年後可能的社會常態想法:「一個老/殘/窮的人,不選擇安樂死,是不是很沒有社會責任?」We can’t afford a taboo on assisted dyingWhat today is criminal could tomorrow become a sad but permitted option in a relatively small number of special and agonising circumstances;but within a decade or more be seen as a normal road for many to take, and considered socially responsible — and even, finally, urged upon people
2 weeks ago
Yes, but what’s wrong with the thick end? It will be a healthy development. In this century the future holds an almost cosmic struggle between, on the one hand, the old world with our ageing populations and inflexible economies, and, on the other, the raw and unbridled energies of an emerging, younger, nimbler and very different world,
2 weeks ago
led by countries like China: all relatively new to prosperity and unencumbered by our western populations’ sense of entitlement…
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
cult_me_film: 大家都沒得選,積極處理無生產力人口的國家將越來越強盛,不選擇這條路的國家要嘛被迫跟隨腳步要嘛落後太多最終被前者統治一樣服膺於相同或更劣等的秩序