2 months ago
[RP] ever have that moment where you have a long To Do list, but most of it is slow/hiatused, but you want to start something more anyway? even if you don't know who with yet, or what?
latest #9
2 months ago
that's tonight's mood for me, apparently.
2 months ago
I have a bunch of old threads I could backtag at a little game I've been in... if I can find them. but my inbox is not being as helpful as it should be, and I think I must've closed one of my Chrome windows at some point, and I'm groaning at that, but... jeez. if I find said old threads, do I poke and ask if there's still interest on the other person's end?
2 months ago
do I wait for them to poke me?

(spoilers: if someone pokes me about an old thread, I will happily get back to it.)
2 months ago
but at the same time, I kinda want to start some more new things too, because... I just do. I've been gnawing on some ideas regarding a char I consider unappable for reasons. (yes, even to this little game I've been in.) and while part of me is just like, "do more with them!!" the rational part of me is more on board with distracting myself away from
2 months ago
doing that.
2 months ago
idk, it's just one of those moments where it feels like most things are on pause, waiting on either me to clean up my old crusty mess, or waiting on people who're... afk? distracted? busy? whatever it is, I don't begrudge them that; rl comes first, and boy do I know how it is to have difficulty herding your brain back to a particular thing if it dun wanna!
2 months ago
but that leaves me sitting here sort of at loose ends, because half the stuff I want to do or should do just... brain says no. or with doing more icons, I only have one USB spot on my lappy, because Microsoft thought that that was somehow acceptable, and it's currently in use by not my tablet, so arting is difficult atm....
2 months ago
anyone up for a psl...?
2 months ago
I mostly have a handful of robots and a couple magic types on offer atm (an AU's Good Maleficent, Merlin, and a dryad knight type...)
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