Cami Mahovlich
4 months ago
Question: What, if any, do you ladies use for your physics in SL? I'm looking for something on the natural side that can also make my new LaraX booty move.
latest #7
4 months ago
Very small boob bounce but that's it.
Cami Mahovlich
4 months ago
Tillie: I'm looking for a hud or brand someone may use and can recommend
4 months ago
Physics does its thing automatically. All that I have seen using scripts and stuff looks really silly.
Gogo ♔
4 months ago
Juicy Physics layer!people seem to like my physics, its $1! and you can probably modify your butt jiggle to be as much as you need.
Gogo ♔
4 months ago
it's so old, I uploaded that in 2011
4 months ago
i made my own, it's not that hard and you can tailor it to your body
Cami Mahovlich
4 months ago
I think I'm still using the one that strawberry did years ago. the boobs and belly work, they say the butt should too but I see no jiggle lol
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