4 months ago
Handwaved CR with my characters?
latest #40
4 months ago
4 months ago
Lea and Malia talking about jewelry designs that her people like and him taking notes.
4 months ago
she could do him one better: just make it appear for him to check out. it's only her conjured illusions, of course, not actual metal that'll last, but he can still get a good in-person look at it, even take photos, if he thinks to. :-D
4 months ago
well, relatively little of it is actually metal, tbh. but a whole lot of stones and woven things, carved wood... especially wood with these odd, colorful little fibers in it. it's ent wood....
4 months ago
Nice! He's not really much for woodworking, but he was more looking to replicate the style, rather than make exact copies.
4 months ago
oh, he'd get to see plenty of examples. she saw a great many, though most of those were brought along so that she could fill the jewels in them so they could go do cool stuff with that energy. XD so there'd prolly be a notable enough focus there....
4 months ago
4 months ago
He might also be interested in comparing techniques for actually working with the stones, if she knows anything about that.
4 months ago
He knows a bit about Synthesis from his own world, and some about Forging, from Diatu, so he'd be interested in seeing if he could incorporate any specific techniques they may have.
4 months ago
....I mean, it's mostly polishing and sometimes drilling a hole or two, as much of it tended to be stuff like quartz.... (thinking) but he'd find out one interesting thing that way for sure: why she's so awful at doing some things, like actually cooking things, instead of just conjuring the finished food: she's never really done those steps.
4 months ago
this doesn't apply to everything, of course, but like when she's carving gems up herself, she doesn't always use the normal tools, but effectively enough just goes straight to the telekinesis option to get it done. which takes its own kind of skill and coordination... but it's not the kind of thing most people could easily replicate.
4 months ago
otoh, he might actually be interested in that too. when she's doing it, what parts is she stressing, and where is it she actually does strike, when she does? (often with tools that don't exist - imagine if someone could make the tip of a screwdriver bit appear in the spot it's needed, rather than owning a set of screwdrivers, right?)
4 months ago
probably a good lot of using magic-conjuration abrasives to smooth a piece down, too, tbh.... no sense leaving it sharp, when that really helps nothing overall.
4 months ago
tldr she's a dirty cheater.
4 months ago
...but the results are nice? XD
4 months ago
and as long as Kyoko isn't around to interrupt (because FAIRIES???), he might be interested in seeing some of the pieces she knows best, in their uh... "natural habitat" of being worn/used by their owners? so he'd prolly have seen a good many more examples of what the elves of her world looked like, while they were at it....
4 months ago
(it's one thing to simply see a piece of jewelry or a garment or such; it's another, to see it worn, after all.)
4 months ago @Edit 4 months ago
Hey just be glad Kyoko's not like Denzel Crocker.
4 months ago
4 months ago
HAH, yeah
4 months ago
But yeah, seeing them modeled would be good too.
4 months ago
Though he's gonna insist on teaching her basic skill of actual cooking once he finds out she cheats.
4 months ago
interesting pieces to note might actually include her BFF's staff, I'd imagine. bunch of very long branches wound around and not-quite-braided-together, then grown into one another until solid... with a decently big spherical crystal half hidden among those wood shapes at one end, like the branches grabbed onto it, climbed over, and held on.
4 months ago
One thing his jaunts around the multiverse have taught him is don't count on always having access to magic/powers.
4 months ago
and said wood's been polished down enough to remove the outer layer, so that it's ent wood, with all those lil colorful fibers through it, is far more obvious than not.

if anyone wanted inspiration for a "magic snake staff with a glowing gem in it" well, there you go. (though it's not snakes, it's... branches....)
4 months ago
hah, yeah, that'd be good for her to actually learn. and she'd follow along! she's just... never actually thought about it much, and never really had anyone teach her.....
4 months ago @Edit 4 months ago
Weird stuff happens. Weird places exist and you could end up in them. You need to make sure you won't be totally screwed if you can't just poof up what you need.
4 months ago
(said staff and her BFF Sia, though? he's the one in her world that went around using the name Merlin. or was the person to do so most often, anyway... made himself look a lot older, fancy robe under his cloak, ooh, isn't that impressive.... lol....)
4 months ago
(so that was "Merlin's" staff.))
4 months ago
yeah, and too, she'd have a better idea of how things ought to turn out - so it'd help for just reading a recipe and figuring out what the end result ought to be, too! :-D lookie that, if she learns the actual skill, it can help her cheat at it! (which seems a little backwards...??)
4 months ago
Lea'll tell her about his world's Merlin too. And about seeing Descendants merlin in his 'Bermuda' outfit. X3
4 months ago
4 months ago
4 months ago
...if he wants, she could always puppet that image of her friend for him. "visit with him" for a while, let him see what that act of his was like and such... guy tended to adapt how he acted to what appearance he'd put on this time. quite a good character actor like that....
Malia and Harry?
4 months ago
sure! anything in particular he'd have chatted with her about, or gotten up to with her, you think?
I might toss him at her knitting/sewing tl if that is okay.
4 months ago
of course. :-)
4 months ago
sewing is one of the things she actually has some not-so-imaginary skill at, so she could easily enough help him with stuff....
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