A Fallen Mind shares
14 years ago
latest #9
Lewis Luminos
14 years ago
funny slogan, but didn't he steal the image from the main website?
Midi says
14 years ago
and, at the risk of soundling like an old grump, my first life does not suck thankyouverymuch
Lewis Luminos
14 years ago
neither does mine Midi :-)
Midi says
14 years ago
I know! It's a pet peeve, the attitude that people who are in SL are there because they haven't got anything better to do in RL
Midi says
14 years ago
I dream of the day that I mention SL to a non-SLer and they go "ooh, cool" instead of "haha, you're so sad, your life must be really boring"
Midi says
14 years ago
*rants a bit more*
A Fallen Mind
14 years ago
*switches everyone's coffee to decaf*
14 years ago
my first life doesn't suck either, but I have more fun in SL
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