生活中找樂趣 says
<巴拿馬報告> 互動地圖:錢藏在哪裡?
Panama Papers: where the money is hiding

英國/工黨黨魁柯賓要求調查首相卡麥隆家族的避稅關係 - 獨立報
Jeremy Corbyn calls for investigation into David Cameron’s family...
Bernie Sanders Predicted Panama Papers Scandal back ...+
Panama Papers scandal: Will further strengthen "mave...
#GIS #世界地圖 #左派百搭卡
Panama Papers: where the money is hiding

英國/工黨黨魁柯賓要求調查首相卡麥隆家族的避稅關係 - 獨立報
Jeremy Corbyn calls for investigation into David Cameron’s family...