Penny Patton says Looking forward to being home again, but having a great time with family and friends. Sounds like we might all go see Tintin tonight.
Penny Patton says Is it just me or is the whole "short avatars=OMGAGEPLAY" idiocy making a comeback? Complete with 6' minimum height rules.
Penny Patton says Am I crazy or didn't we used to have the ability to see feed posts made from our current location in SL? Where did it go?
Penny Patton says Eeee! New computer ordered! Hopefully have it by the weekend so I have time to put it together and play with it for a day or two.
Penny Patton says LL broke physics and some comments on the Jira give some shocking insight into just how messed up LL is.
Penny Patton has gotten a new job, a great one, too! Tho, this means less time for SL stuff for a while.
Penny Patton says Been crazy busy irl lately. Finally was able to try and relax to work on new SL stuff for fun. A one-prim tent.
Penny Patton says Updated the little sculpted well I made in SL. Cut three more prims out of it by redoing the rope as a sculpt. Also improved the textures!