Karma 106.56
Emily ✟ Show me Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths.
Psalm 25:4 -Psalm 25:4 - NKJV
ago | 1 responses
Emily ✟ Oh wow, the power just went out. Darn it, I have clothes in the dryer and washer. Noooo ugh.
ago | 6 responses
Emily ✟ Salad for lunch, late lunch
ago | 4 responses
Emily ✟ Now that I tinkered with the PC. I am going to go and put some laundry to wash .
ago | 3 responses
Emily ✟ I just removed the power supply, yay. Now, to test it. I've never done this before, I hope this is the issue. https://images.plurk.com/3TF9IWSQ6w26dALDk6bAjE.jpg
ago | 7 responses
Emily ✟ Good morning, everyone . Happy Thursday. We had rain and high winds during the night. We'll be getting some rain off and on today, warm temperatures at 52° F with a continued wind advisory. Have a blessed day .
ago | 13 responses
Emily ✟ replurks zoeboy shares https://images.plurk.com/5zzb47ZeLi00tvkhiGDmYM.jpgJoel 2:12 ESV - “Yet even now,” declares the… | Bibl...Joel 2:12 [NKJV]: “Now, therefore,” says the Lord,

“Turn to Me with all your heart,

With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.”
ago | 2 responses
Emily ✟ Heading to bed. Good night, everyone. Sleep well.
ago | 4 responses
Emily ✟ replurks TwoCrazyCatLadies shares Coughing in Cats - Two Crazy Cat Ladieshttps://imgs.plurk.com/QD3/xTP/GB3QMBp27DObG5KrJO1cFDrK8Rj_lg.jpg Coughing in Cats – If your cat is coughing it's important that you get to the root of the matter. Here are tips to try at home as well as what to ask your vet..
ago | 0 responses
Emily ✟ What a gloomy day . It's overcast but warm out. That's a positive for us and outside animals.
ago | 2 responses