Karma 100.37
emily ✟ I am off to bed. Good night all.
ago | 3 responses
emily ✟ We finished the series today. I was happy with the winner. So much money, wow! Congrats to her!Squid Game: The Challenge (TV Series 2023– ) ⭐ 5.8 |...
ago | 0 responses
emily ✟ Is it rude for a neighbors guest to use your drive way to turn around on the street, instead of going around the block?
ago | 7 responses
emily ✟ Good morning, everyone. Happy Friday. Another beautiful sunny day. Thank you, Lord, for this gorgeous day. Have a blessed day.
ago | 6 responses
emily ✟ replurks zoeboy shares https://images.plurk.com/7l4trAjgTiwHOYQTIRIFQ.jpgExodus 3:14 ESV - God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I… | ...Exodus 3:14 (NKJV): And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ”
ago | 2 responses
emily ✟ I am tired and sleepy. It's time to get some zZz. Good night, everyone. Sleep well.
ago | 6 responses
emily ✟ Momo finally showed up to eat at 9:15 tonight. I am so glad he came. I was getting worried. He must have been enjoying the sunny weather and maybe being fed elsewhere. I'm just glad he is ok.
ago | 3 responses
emily ✟ This is a sad episode."Squid Game: The Challenge" Goodbye (TV Episode 2023...
ago | 0 responses
emily ✟ I am very surprised I have not seen Momo all day. It concerns me because he always shows up, even if it is just once during that day. I sure hope he is okay.
ago | 0 responses
emily ✟ replurks TwoCrazyCatLadies shares Dangerous Flea Products To Avoid - Two Crazy Cat Lad...https://imgs.plurk.com/QBm/iwP/4gLFCiPmR2u6iMdS8SzgMjGsjJA_lg.jpg Dangerous Flea Products To Avoid – VIDEO: Many cat parents are unaware of the dangerous flea products that our out on the market. Many of thes
ago | 0 responses