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cheehsien says Why is it started to rain when i'm about to start my journey? #fb
ago | 0 responses
cheehsien says #hate traffic jam #fb
ago | 0 responses
cheehsien says 1742hrs. 2 accidents on bridge, mainland bound. Jam at least 15km till sg pg. 5 ambulances can't get through. #penangtu #fb
ago | 0 responses
cheehsien says Tea tac toe!! #fb
ago | 0 responses
cheehsien says Meeting ends early. Need to wait another one and half hour for next appointment. :-( #fb
ago | 0 responses
cheehsien says I was driving and texting in front of 2 policemen that are riding their big ass bike.. #fb
ago | 0 responses
cheehsien says The durian cut me! I'm bleeding! :-( #fb
ago | 0 responses
cheehsien says The durian cut me! I'm bleeding! :-( #fb
ago | 0 responses
cheehsien says Stomachache! Lao sai since morning. Fml! #fb
ago | 0 responses
cheehsien says Dinner at super tanker, alone.
ago | 1 responses