Karma 184.72
NKY ✅ thinks Wow, Sue Ramirez was really good in Little Shop of Horrors! I'd love to see more of her on stage!
ago | 2 responses
NKY ✅ shares Violent anti-heroes are still my least favorite superhero trope but I enjoyed Deadpool and Wolverine! 😊
ago | 0 responses
NKY ✅ shares So ayun na nga. Hahahahaha! Kebs na kung sino makakita. And if they ask what those things in the background are, I'll just tell them they're part of a costume. (rofl) (lmao) https://images.plurk.com/5mP6wKcQg5mQNsLfflE1be.png
ago | 4 responses
NKY ✅ thinks Gagu. Nabaha yung supply ko ng condom. Pwede pa ba to? ðŸĪĢðŸĪŠhttps://images.plurk.com/54SUBixCsHMLOuQ7VrBxBF.png
ago | 5 responses
NKY ✅ thinks Wow to be fair to the universe.
I was given sun and wind today.
My laundry will dry pretty quickly.
ago | 0 responses
NKY ✅ thinks Not to glorify resiliency or anything but I'm so glad I at least enjoy doing laundry unironically because clean up is a bitch.
ago | 0 responses
NKY ✅ thinks Hay.
Precedented times.
Remember those?
ago | 2 responses
NKY ✅ is House flooded. Clothes wet. Haist.
ago | 3 responses
NKY ✅ shares Good morning! Rainy office day. Good thing I made it inside before it started pouring. ðŸ˜Ŧ
ago | 0 responses
NKY ✅ has officially become that dude who brings wine to a children's party. ðŸĪŠ https://images.plurk.com/2aCObmjrH98X8eU9NWHdvc.jpg
ago | 0 responses