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camilleb my boyfriend thinks I'm 10 pounds lighter than I really am. I call him a keeper :-P
ago | 0 responses
camilleb shares In case you were wondering...
ago | 8 responses
camilleb says the weather makes it feel like the middle of August, rather than the end of May. It's been ridiculously hot and humid!
ago | 3 responses
camilleb says it's time to watch Girls (HBO) and once again be all confused if I like it or not cause the characters need to be punched like all the time.
ago | 3 responses
camilleb says so I decided that I need to pull out of some weekly/bi-weekly events. I just don't have the time to participate :-( RL is just too important.
ago | 6 responses
camilleb says so I'm thinking about menswear. Cause, I like men's clothes. A lot.
ago | 2 responses
camilleb had an amazing interview yesterday! one more round to go, but they won't make final decisions til august 1 (tears)
ago | 0 responses
camilleb wonders why such incredibly smart people could do such stupid, stupid things. Especially as adults. Disappointed in my RL best (idk now) friend.
ago | 5 responses
camilleb feels so awesome after working out! The process is like hell, but I didn't give up. My old tennis coach would be so proud(rock) (gym)
ago | 2 responses
camilleb says guess who's the guest designer for TDR? :-)
ago | 5 responses