Karma 0.00
[ a.e.meth ] Weekend Wonders New exhibits, new skins, freebies, and hot tips.
ago | 1 responses
[ a.e.meth ] https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3852/33003077310_c0cc445d17_b.jpg 250L for three tones and two tintable brows. Check out this Second Life Marketplace Item! Please demo to be sure it fits your head!
ago | 2 responses
[ a.e.meth ] Water Horse Riding Horse Now your avatar can look like it's riding a real horse. Brought to you by Bento.
ago | 0 responses
[ a.e.meth ] https://farm1.staticflickr.com/425/32161999516_c42f6eaafe_b.jpg [RP] The Water Horse bento horse is out, so I'm actually going to offer 15USD/3500L for the first person who wants a bust color commission done. I really want that horse! (Contact Aemeth.Lysette in-world.)
ago | 0 responses
[ a.e.meth ] https://farm1.staticflickr.com/425/32161999516_c42f6eaafe_b.jpg The Water Horse bento horse is out, so I'm actually going to offer 15USD/3500L for the first person who wants a bust color commission done. I really want that horse! (Contact Aemeth.Lysette in-world.)
ago | 1 responses
[ a.e.meth ] https://farm1.staticflickr.com/425/32161999516_c42f6eaafe_b.jpg contact Aemeth Lysette to get started! Both Ls and Paypal accepted.
ago | 0 responses
[ a.e.meth ] What Sansar Can Learn From Its Competitors The rivals are here, and they're playing dirty.
ago | 10 responses
[ a.e.meth ] https://farm1.staticflickr.com/425/32161999516_c42f6eaafe_b.jpg Commissions open again! Fantasy, nudity, and furry-friendly. Contact Aemeth Lysette in-world to get started! Ls and Paypal accepted.
ago | 4 responses
[ a.e.meth ] https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s750x750/sh0.08/e35/14709645_240383179710407_7938864579818291200_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTM3MzYwMjE2NDk3NDY2MDYxNA%3D%3D.2 Our rl tshirt line with Creep Street launches TOMORROW! CREEP STREET® - THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS . It's nationwide and fabulous. We're so proud to move our work past SL to irl, once more.
ago | 2 responses
[ a.e.meth ] https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5674/30556695911_80734b7503_b.jpg Introducing Gridism, an art genre that combines tech, gaming, and fine art. Inspired by Second Life. Read the guide here: https://medium.com/@kgpaints/the-users-guide-to-gridism-7
ago | 0 responses