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oliviaaroza jd jarang sekali buka plurk:-(
ago | 6 responses
oliviaaroza huff ngurusin prj
ago | 5 responses
oliviaaroza sibuk menjelang PRJ
ago | 4 responses
oliviaaroza listen heello.com/olipss
ago | 5 responses
oliviaaroza nothing impossible in the world
ago | 2 responses
oliviaaroza i just can believe that someday u can know
ago | 5 responses
oliviaaroza please tell me what must i do for stop thinking u?
ago | 3 responses
oliviaaroza hard to say goodbye to someone i dont wanna let they go
ago | 5 responses
oliviaaroza #np harder than u know
ago | 4 responses
oliviaaroza Not loving you is harder then you know.
ago | 3 responses