Karma 0.00
牡羊小米 says it's been a long time since I last plurk, Karma has plunged through the ground!
ago | 0 responses
牡羊小米 wonders why is it my mom's special chili paste tastes like heaven and hell at the same time??? wooooooooooo~~~~~~~~~
ago | 1 responses
牡羊小米 shares 民視異言堂-20101025-1-保鮮膜 保鮮魔.flv
ago | 1 responses
牡羊小米 wonders where her sleep-for-a-long-time ability has gone... I was wide awake at 8 and got out of bed before 10 on a non-working day!! pathetic!!
ago | 0 responses
牡羊小米 shares [Discovery] 抢救切尔诺贝利 The Battle of Chernobyl (2008)
ago | 0 responses
牡羊小米 shares hiewmun.blogspot.com/2011/05/funny-names-2.html
ago | 0 responses
牡羊小米 shares 2010年第9屆雲頂世界獅王爭霸戰-馬來西亞關聖宮龍獅團(great performance!!)
ago | 0 responses
牡羊小米 thinks that Steve Tyler is still as good if not better!
ago | 0 responses
牡羊小米 bloody part time maid broke my birthday present!!!!!
ago | 0 responses
牡羊小米 wonders how one plays in NBA playoffs with a dislocated elbow... like Rajon Rondo!! Impressive!
ago | 0 responses