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NeoVilsonWong Okay!Neo你做什么都是有问题的,其他人大便都是香的~
ago | 0 responses
NeoVilsonWong whatever what im doing all fault okay,enough Mr Neo
ago | 1 responses
NeoVilsonWong 故君子之治人也,即以其人之道,还治其人之身。
ago | 1 responses
NeoVilsonWong What i say and What i do and other only it's about the time! Let's see how~
ago | 1 responses
NeoVilsonWong 即使知道的太多未必是件好事也未必是件坏事~
ago | 1 responses
NeoVilsonWong Please Don't Mess With Me Thanks (LOL) (LOL) (LOL)
ago | 1 responses
NeoVilsonWong Don't Ask Me Why! And Don't take other compare with me!
ago | 1 responses
NeoVilsonWong Remember Me! Im Neo!
ago | 1 responses
NeoVilsonWong 难道睡得太醒,想得太多?
ago | 0 responses
NeoVilsonWong 讨厌 这睡醒的感觉,心情很不好
ago | 0 responses