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blossompurple shares life is about taking consequences
ago | 0 responses
blossompurple shares Sometimes you have to hurt someones feelings for them to understand how it felt when they hurt yours.
ago | 35 responses
blossompurple shares Sibuk dg cinta manusia hati sering terluka, tapi sibuk dg cinta Allah, DIA tak akan melukai hati pecintaNya.
ago | 0 responses
blossompurple shares I don't want a perfect person, I just want someone to act silly with, someone who treats me well & loves being with me more than anything.
ago | 0 responses
blossompurple says S.I.N.G.L.E = Strong, Independent, Noticeable, Generous, Loving , Enlightened.
ago | 29 responses
blossompurple says just let me do what I want..
ago | 0 responses
blossompurple shares When a girl tells you about her problems, it does not mean that she’s complaining, it means she trusts you.
ago | 18 responses
blossompurple shares if hatred is still brewing within,then the spirit will never be broken #QSD
ago | 0 responses
blossompurple says kau yang mulai, kau yang mengakhiri...
#berasadangdut (unsure)
ago | 13 responses
blossompurple says hujaaaan.....brrr....sambil nonton Stand-up Comedy,,, (tongue)
ago | 0 responses