Karma 95.00
頊__ You’re Temporarily Blocke#被麟洋CP洗版
ago | 1 responses
頊__ [페이스캠4K] 투피엠 준호 '해야 해' (2PM JUNHO 'Make it' FaceCam)...這場俊昊也太好看了ㄅ(原地去世
ago | 2 responses
頊__ 【調查報導】煙霧下的戰爭:新型菸品襲來,台灣招架得住? - 報導者 The Reporter
ago | 2 responses
頊__ 想了一下
ago | 2 responses
頊__ Trump Mocks ‘Parasite’ Best Picture Win: ‘What the H..."The winner is… a movie from South Korea! What the hell was that all about? We got enough problems with South Korea with trade. On top of that, they give them best movie of the year? Was it good? I don't know. Let's get 'Gone With the Wind.' Can we get 'Gone With the Wind' back, please?"
ago | 2 responses
頊__ 【韓國的日常|異常】韓文雜誌館,最前線的第一手資訊,銜接全方位的韓國文化
ago | 4 responses
頊__ 書人書語/年輕編輯們,做本暢銷書吧 | 聯合新聞網係咧供三小
ago | 5 responses
頊__ TAAZE 愛 VOTE、真心話書入中、超強卡司等你來推薦、福祿壽人氣排行榜、Top123 推薦書、想說...
ago | 0 responses
頊__ 明明是在教健身,為什麼只看到漂亮的二頭肌......?
ago | 0 responses
頊__ 副刊 S for Supplement伯恩絲被關進了一個名為歐克寬 (Occoquan) 的勞改監獄中,這是個惡名昭彰的地方,環境和衛生都很差,疾病叢生,據說食物都有蟲子。而在監獄的外頭,人們則對伯恩絲等人的行為惡言相向,一位來自麻州的議員,帶著蔑視的口氣,稱呼她們是「頭腦不清、充滿幻想,穿短裙剪短髮的生物。」

ago | 3 responses