Karma 42.49
pbradley shares 1st Draft of the Rd. 1 video - send me a message if you'd rather opt-out. Human Pacman - draft 1
ago | 1 responses
pbradley wonders Anyone remember who were the handlers and camerapeople in the 1st pacman game?
ago | 8 responses
pbradley says I have achieved 40 karma. My life is complete.
ago | 2 responses
pbradley shares www.pacmanhattan.com/videos.php
ago | 0 responses
pbradley shares Construction with Quadrotor Teams
ago | 3 responses
pbradley shares Here's the correct link: www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/10/04/101004fa_fact_gladwell
ago | 3 responses
pbradley shares The correct link for the Gladwell article: www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/10/04/101004fa_fact_gladwell
ago | 0 responses
pbradley shares Map of the internet, from an information point of view: twitpic.com/3qpbp8
ago | 0 responses
pbradley shares And here's the Chronicle article: chronicle.com/article/Programmed-for-Love-The/125922/
ago | 0 responses
pbradley shares Malcolm Gladwell's article: www.nytimes.com/2006/02/05/books/review/05donadio.html
ago | 0 responses