Karma 0.00
Lavenne what the h*ll, f*ck, god d*mn it.. this is not virus, i am really furious
ago | 0 responses
Lavenne 你看起來有點冷峻孤傲,習於等待,不容易主動向人示好,就像沈靜優雅的粉荷,相信有識者才能瞭解你的優點,但也偏偏就是有人會瘋狂愛上你這一點。
ago | 0 responses
Lavenne 妳 是 個 很 有 千 金 小 姐 氣 質 的 人 。 雖 然 妳 自 己 沒 有 意 識到 ,但 身邊 的 人 都 會 讚 妳 品 味 和 措 詞 與 眾 不 同 ,而 用 尊 敬 和 崇 拜 的 眼 光 注 視 妳 .
ago | 0 responses
Lavenne i am just furious over nothing.. things that shouldn't have exasperated me... such a, stupid... prince.s.s...
ago | 0 responses
Lavenne thinks that she needs to compose herself!
ago | 0 responses
Lavenne thinks Holidays is meant for WOOLGATHERING~! haha
ago | 0 responses
Lavenne loves Welcome my lovely SEM BREAK! :-)
ago | 0 responses
Lavenne loves You are as comfortable discussing politics as you are baking cookies. You have strong morals and principals and are respected by others.
ago | 0 responses
Lavenne loves You are intelligent, witty, sensitive, and have a diverse set of friends. You have a purpose and it will be realized.
ago | 0 responses
Lavenne loves You a quite the individual! Good for you! You value tradition, but welcome change.
ago | 0 responses