Karma 0.00
CassandraW Last month was good. 3cases from cold market in a month. Another breakthrough. Keep it up! :-)
ago | 0 responses
CassandraW Thanks to baby for the car charger (woot) <3
ago | 0 responses
CassandraW Thanks to the man for the screen protector, cover and whatsapp! 
ago | 0 responses
CassandraW Another breakthrough! Asking friends for supporting cases. Submitted 5cases in a week. 1Unit-linked, 1major medi, 2MedGlobal IV and 1WB!
ago | 0 responses
CassandraW Been through disappointments. Have learn not to expect much from a person.
ago | 0 responses
CassandraW Gratitude! Thank you for the support! (LOL) HAPPY!
ago | 0 responses
CassandraW You know you've let go of it when you have no emotions towards that issue anymore when you talk about it..
ago | 0 responses
CassandraW stand firm. You know what you're chasing for. Those noises are unable to stop you. You know it!
ago | 0 responses
CassandraW I can feel your love, but am not sure about it..
ago | 0 responses
CassandraW says 朋友啊朋友。。。。。
ago | 0 responses