Karma 37.05
Onyx Pu-239 Drove for 3 hrs to get into the full occlusion zone. can already see a difference in the quality of the light. About 20mins to totality.
ago | 1 responses
Onyx Pu-239 Happy Spring Equinox Day, folks.
ago | 0 responses
Onyx Pu-239 Results of our Valentine's date night https://images.plurk.com/2zn3mz847qTLda2ARv3JGv.jpg
ago | 6 responses
Onyx Pu-239 I feel a deep blue funk coming on and really just want to wallow in it for a while.
ago | 3 responses
Onyx Pu-239 well, crud. I've lost one of my hearing aides. :'-(
ago | 2 responses
Onyx Pu-239 Tonight I am starting my first playthrough of Starfield. This should be fun. :-D
ago | 0 responses
Onyx Pu-239 So. last weekend we were in for a freeze; so, we brought a bunch of plants into the house. Now, we're back up in the 70s for at least the next week. So. of course, the tigress decides all those plants need to go back out on the deck to get fresh Air while they can.
ago | 1 responses
Onyx Pu-239 This might be controversial; but, in my opinion, dogs smell better than cats.
ago | 2 responses
Onyx Pu-239 gotta get up at oh-g*d-its-early tomorrow. But it's for a good reason. #VegasBaby
ago | 7 responses
Onyx Pu-239 Here are some pics I took yesterday evening at the Chihuly exhibit.
https://images.plurk.com/32ZOvBKm32mJRflPAZfq3X.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5XP8E42YTPM6k1XgtxUnsD.jpg https://images.plurk.com/981z2ZWzQGYpWeiPulzDa.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5n2eCRhXz6A5FwKiPyUIF5.jpg
ago | 4 responses