Karma 0.00
supr3633 Okelah kalo begitu
ago | 0 responses
supr3633 shares ;-)Taman Air Panas
ago | 0 responses
supr3633 has dinner... Tempe Penyet and telur dadar at Puncak..... (LOL)
ago | 0 responses
supr3633 is Makan baso ajah...... :-D (LOL)
ago | 0 responses
supr3633 has wipes my car....rain and rain and rain's....... :-&
ago | 0 responses
supr3633 3 hari.... dari malam takbiran hingga sekarang HUJAN...... mudah-mudahan Hujan berkah buat kita semua....Amin....
ago | 0 responses
supr3633 Hi....
ago | 1 responses
supr3633 is waiting for something good is coming....
ago | 0 responses