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JoAnne says 今天的巴士很吵!!那些人很像都没钱买耳机醬,我又没有讲我要听你们都在听什么歌!!X-(
ago | 1 responses
JoAnne says 今天同事告诉我说,我人生的宗旨好像只有一个字,那就是“忍”!:-&
ago | 14 responses
JoAnne says arrgghh!! NO jeans! NO round neck-T! NO skirts above knee! this is killing me! :-&
ago | 15 responses
JoAnne is On the way back home now. I look like 走路 now!! 大包小包大包小包!! =.=
ago | 0 responses
JoAnne feels Relieved!! No need to fake myself and facing all the fake people!! :-)
ago | 16 responses
JoAnne is Officially unemployed! ;-)
ago | 15 responses
JoAnne says I found this in my room? Who is the owner ya?? https://images.plurk.com/3783884_a0dfe4bb814e53311c1dc0c03e071319.jpg
ago | 16 responses
JoAnne says Yeay Yeay Yeay! Tomorrow is the day. See u all soon! :-D
ago | 2 responses
JoAnne says i dreamt of suki, chunjun, me n my sis last night. we goin beach and all of us wearing striking bikini~ :-D
ago | 10 responses
JoAnne says It's such a bad bad day for me. Since morning go out from home until leaving from office. It's really killing me!! Fuck!!!
ago | 3 responses