Karma 137.07
TheRedRose https://images.plurk.com/3dlbusLrsMoWwFajtl8NUL.jpg first bath in my new house!
ago | 3 responses
TheRedRose https://images.plurk.com/58AQ2UlA5X1miQjxyMczrF.jpg
ago | 4 responses
TheRedRose Dani 💜 (Danielle if ya' nasty!) (@d_vizzle25) • Inst...Here is your laugh for the day!
ago | 4 responses
TheRedRose https://images.plurk.com/3pDItIo8Ccx7mIxnLqFWsf.jpg
ago | 3 responses
TheRedRose https://images.plurk.com/5o2rzQSlH3OALcaU3wogmF.jpg
ago | 10 responses
TheRedRose https://images.plurk.com/2c0drtegnB2Xr1rj4aen5L.jpg made shakshuka for the first time today
ago | 9 responses
TheRedRose Doing my best to rise above my less graceful attributes
ago | 8 responses
TheRedRose https://images.plurk.com/DGjLj4L8G8kyqfGt5By3Q.jpg Eva Neko?
ago | 12 responses
TheRedRose Louie, Figo & Foss (@corgilouie) • Instagram reelfo all my corgi loving peeps
ago | 6 responses
TheRedRose Favorite quote of the day, "People flabbergast me with their audacity!"
ago | 5 responses