Karma 97.21
不正常♕ says 世界上最难的事情不是让他们接受新思想,而是使他们忘却旧观念
ago | 2 responses
不正常♕ says 付出的时候,不要期待任何回报,否则一颗心老是牵挂着结果,反而更难有收获
ago | 1 responses
不正常♕ says When life knocks you to your knees, just remember that you're in the perfect position to pray.
ago | 0 responses
不正常♕ says Don't chase someone who doesn't love you, because there's someone else out there that would die for you.
ago | 0 responses
不正常♕ says Learn to give compliments, you know how you feel when you receive one, give some as well
ago | 0 responses
不正常♕ says Sometimes, a girl keeps going back to a guy who treats her badly because she's not ready to give up hope that maybe someday, he'll change.
ago | 0 responses
不正常♕ says The sky isn't always blue. The sun doesn't always shine. So it's okay to fall apart sometimes, but always remember to get up again.
ago | 0 responses
不正常♕ says Sometimes life is like math. The tiniest mistake can change everything
ago | 0 responses
不正常♕ says Take responsibility in everything that you do, but mostly... be responsible to your own life
ago | 0 responses
不正常♕ says Sometimes you have to make that decision about what is worth fighting for and what isn't worth fixing
ago | 0 responses