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yogamahardika says Less-Alpha, More-Omega.
ago | 0 responses
yogamahardika says The moment when you miss someone so bad, but they are busy af.
ago | 0 responses
yogamahardika says Dude, GTFO.
ago | 0 responses
yogamahardika asks how loongg haw looaoaoaoang
ago | 0 responses
yogamahardika Bismillah.
ago | 0 responses
yogamahardika thinks Persistence, and the result shall be obvious.
ago | 0 responses
yogamahardika says when you tryna do your thesis but your professor cockblocks you on submitting them.
ago | 0 responses
yogamahardika loves Adinda Sekar Prastantri.
ago | 0 responses
yogamahardika wonders what will you do when you get superpowers like super-strength or super-speed, or super-heart? #awsnap
ago | 0 responses
yogamahardika says Niggaaaa we're back to Plurkiverse!
ago | 0 responses