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琦琪 張 there are too much emotions yesterday. everyone is stressed out, but there are too much left unsaid. I think I still need to talk.
ago | 5 responses
琦琪 張 Conclusion of the day: good at the beginning awful in the end! Good night! my friends......
ago | 2 responses
琦琪 張 本日菜單:薑燒馬鈴薯豬肉絲、四季豆豬肉絲酢印尼風味醬料
ago | 5 responses
琦琪 張 Fuck! eventually I lost my purse here in the Ntherlands......Hope something good will happen...
ago | 3 responses
琦琪 張 人啊,果然有壓力睡覺就會自己醒來,預計兩點結果一點40自動清醒
ago | 4 responses
琦琪 張 晚安噗噗!
ago | 2 responses
琦琪 張 真希望書趕快寄到我手上!
ago | 1 responses
琦琪 張 Shit! 居然下起冰雹來了!
ago | 17 responses
琦琪 張 沒有想過有人的白話文章可以寫得那麼像是詩......厲害的地方就在於,每一句話拿起來都可以是格言一般的東西,好身手!
ago | 6 responses
琦琪 張 除了乖乖念書,不然你還想幹嗎?
ago | 7 responses