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BlingBling_jl 分享 Lacey Brown - The Story (American Idol)
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BlingBling_jl think like a man, but i don't want to dress like a man as well..! power suit is never my cup of tea!
ago | 0 responses
BlingBling_jl my grooming doesn't represent my ability....
ago | 0 responses
BlingBling_jl my profession: no 3-inch high heels , no floral / pattern skirts...sigh...
ago | 0 responses
BlingBling_jl 第一天上班﹐ 已很EXHAUSTED﹐ 但像沒做過什麼 !!
ago | 0 responses
BlingBling_jl 分享 https://images.plurk.com/3546673_85d3d9409fcc89ed973e8170bab77f74.jpg GOOD MORNING....HAVE A CUP OF TEA & 2 PIECES OF CHOCOLATES.... :-P
ago | 0 responses
BlingBling_jl 今天給自己買了個紫包包。。。還有兩對高跟鞋。。。
ago | 0 responses
BlingBling_jl 麵包與愛情﹐ 其實最好還是要取個balance....心想﹐ 唉。。。還是要好好努力。。。。
ago | 0 responses
BlingBling_jl " 我最想要的是愛 ﹐很多很多的愛﹐ 如果沒有愛﹐我就要很多很多的錢。。" 簡直說中所有女人的心聲!!!
ago | 1 responses
BlingBling_jl 下星期一﹐ 22號﹐ 也是吉日啊~~~!!
ago | 1 responses