Karma 98.26
tunah Not gonna use plurk anymore. You know where to find me.
ago | 5 responses
tunah i.imgur.com/1cWSZ.gif
ago | 2 responses
tunah 25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lod8p34N4h1qcnzavo1_500.gif
ago | 4 responses
tunah says cant wait for the day when jpg and other lossy image formats become obsolete... i dont understand why everyone doesnt use png.
ago | 0 responses
tunah i.imgur.com/H4hBU.png
ago | 1 responses
tunah I thought you were cute. Now you're just cute with chlamydia.
ago | 0 responses
tunah Time to pay a $250 registration fee @_@
ago | 0 responses
tunah Video of monster two-headed albino snake shocking Ukraine zoo visitors
ago | 4 responses
tunah When people get too close in regards to history and it just makes things awkward cuz you're not sure if you should spill.
ago | 0 responses
tunah Remember when you showed up at my place? The way you just pushed me to the floor?
ago | 5 responses