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TheKamZone says Soo sleepy
ago | 0 responses
TheKamZone says Hard to believe how popular Slime still is and it was before the fidgit spinners
ago | 0 responses
TheKamZone says Day 2 of Nano and just slightly over word daily count.
ago | 0 responses
TheKamZone says Day 1 of Nano and I have 200 more words to write.
ago | 0 responses
TheKamZone says ST: Discovery is really growing on me. The first two eps would have been the death keel for me if it wasn't for Jason in the 3rd ep.
ago | 0 responses
TheKamZone says Star Trek Discovery is growing on me. Though every ep is proving my theories on Lorca are closer
ago | 0 responses
TheKamZone says Star Trek Discovery really should have opened with EP 3 and done flashbacks for the first two eps. Ep3 was a lot stronger of an ep if you want ppl to sub to a paid service.
ago | 0 responses
TheKamZone says Need to really get on the computer more.
ago | 0 responses
TheKamZone says Made it through Irma with only a few dead branches falling down. Kept power the entire time and we had no standing water because of the rain.
ago | 0 responses
TheKamZone says Getting Ready for Irma
ago | 0 responses