Karma 0.00
qwords i am just a human. i am flawed. i am imperfect. i am not the one who always did right. other people is also human. other people can make prejudice and make false judgement to me. and that's okay. we just need a good communication and an open mind, if we wanna know the truth.
it's okay. this is normal. not everything is under my control. let it be.
ago | 0 responses
qwords being angry doesn't mean you can be disrespectful to someone else.
ago | 0 responses
qwords it hurts too deep.
ago | 0 responses
qwords why is it so hard to communicate with you?
ago | 0 responses
qwords will i ever be enough? for who? should i?
ago | 0 responses
qwords had a bad dream. and had dream about my mom lately
ago | 0 responses
qwords dia juga harus belajar untuk mengelola emosinya sendiri. dia juga harus belajar untuk memaafkan kesalahan yang lampau dan memahami bahwa proses tak selalu meningkat fasenya.
dia juga harus belajar memperlakukan orang lain sebagaimana orang ingin diperlakukan. ia juga harus belajar memaklumi satu sama lain, dengan ikhlas.
ago | 0 responses
qwords really don't get the point of why am i still here in the world.
ago | 0 responses
qwords muak bgt denger org sotau yg banyak ngomong 🤣🤣🤣
ago | 0 responses
qwords dah cukup rebahannya. yuk kita kerjakerjakerja.
ago | 0 responses