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my4kids says it's time to be off to bed now. Night all
ago | 3 responses
my4kids has way to many pictures to go through. I'm trying to organize and burn them onto disks so I can clear my computer
ago | 2 responses
my4kids says hello, hey look 2 days in a row on here!
ago | 9 responses
my4kids Not the best picture but here is a pic of our kitten (Wicket) and Kodiak our pup www.plurkpix.com/pix/6ms.jpg
ago | 0 responses
my4kids thinks it's getting cold here way to early, my opinion at least
ago | 12 responses
my4kids thinks she should pop in and say hello..
ago | 8 responses
my4kids thinks it's late and time to go to bed now...
ago | 3 responses
my4kids where is everyone it's very quiet on here
ago | 1 responses
my4kids www.plurkpix.com/pix/4sf.jpg
ago | 0 responses
my4kids pic of new kitten www.plurkpix.com/pix/4sc.jpg
ago | 7 responses